Photographic portraits of Minnesota citizens
John Noltner’s exhibition of black and white photographic portraits of Minnesotans include statements about Peace by each of the subjects. Open at no charge now through Sunday June 30th with a reception and conversation with the artist on Saturday, June 29th. For more information about Mr. Noltner’s photographic and interview project, visit his website by clicking on the headline above or on the photo of the cover of his book. Copies of Noltner’s book are available for sale in the gallery gift store.
What do we share in common as a human race? Despite increasing diversity, we remain deeply divided as a society today. We often find ourselves separated along religious, political, and cultural lines. Polarized public dialogues and culture wars intensify divisions within our communities.
In response, “A Peace of My Mind introduces us to people we likely would never meet on our own — because of differences in ethnic background, faith or the locations we live. And as we get to know these people, we come to realize that our differences are miniscule in light of the most-important trait: that we all want peace,” wrote Faith & Values reporter Jeff Strickler of the Minneapolis Star Tribune.
Founded in 2009, A Peace of My Mind is a multimedia art project that fosters public dialogue about issues related to conflict resolution, civic responsibility, and peace. With black and white portraits and oral histories, over fifty subjects describe what peace means to them, how they work toward it in their lives, and some of the obstacles they encounter.
Those profiled include Holocaust survivors and a homeless man, a Somali refugee and a military chaplain, a pottery instructor and an oil company executive. Artists, volunteers, politicians, and business leaders all share their thoughts and inspiring stories in a series that celebrates our common experience and sense of community.