“Taste of the Past” Community Brunch
Saturday, October 6, 2018 @10am-1pm
Held at NYM Senior Center
Daniel Serra is a Culinary Archaeologist who travels to archaeological dig sites where he explores old cooking sites to discover what our ancestors were eating. Daniel analyzes the remains of meals, and food remnants left in kitchen vessels, then re-creates recipes based on this very minimal evidence.
Daniel’s main interest is the Viking Age, between 793 – 1066 AD and he has published a cookbook “An Early Meal: A Viking Age Cookbook and Culinary Odyssey” in which readers learn what was prepared and eaten during that time. His new book focusing on foods of Medieval Scandinavian cuisine will be published soon.
Daniel will be in New York Mills on October 6, 2018 at the New York Mills Senior Center to discuss his fascinating job and culinary discoveries. He will be cooking 3 dishes for all to sample. Local citizens will be adding their own history to this event by bringing ethnic dishes of their own to share. There will be dishes from Poland, Finland, Germany and more. The public is invited (though not required) to bring a dish to share in this event that celebrates all cultures and the foods of our heritage.
Daniel Serra is one of the Scandinavian artists the Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County is sponsoring as part of a 3 year grant they have received. Daniel is stopping in New York Mills thanks to Viking Connection (www.vikingconnection.org) a program of the Historical Society of Clay County. The Cultural Center is excited to host Daniel in New York Mills as he tours throughout the Midwest.
This “Taste of the Past” Community Brunch will be held from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the New York Mills Senior Center, 12 N Walker, New York Mills MN 56567. It is open to all, though seating is limited to 70 and participation will be first come, first served. A free-will offering will be collected to help offset expenses. Call the Cultural Center at 218-385-3339 for further information.
Thanks to the Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County and Viking Connection for their sponsorship and partnership of this collaborative event.