Investing in the Cultural Center

Like what we’re doing? Click below to donate! We are a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, so your donation is tax deductible.

We depend on the support of individual and businesses to continue our programming and to help us achieve our mission of being a rural hub for creativity, community vitality, and lifelong learning in the arts. THANK YOU for helping us continue to connect people to artists and rich cultural experiences in rural Minnesota, celebrating the local and being a window to the world!

donatenowlogo2Click on this button for Network for Good on the left.  You will be directed to the Network for Good website featuring the Cultural Center (our legal name is “New York Mills Arts Retreat”). Thank you for your support!

Sustainable memberships are a fantastic way to offer regular support to the Cultural Center in a way that is easy on your budget too. Sustainable memberships may be on a monthly (minimum $10/month), quarterly or annual basis, and is payable through your bank account (checking or savings) or a credit card (VISA or MasterCard).  Please contact us to set up your sustainable membership today (218-385-3339) or!