Listen to musicians from around the region at this annual free concert
Join us for this free concert as the world turns toward the longer days of spring. A bevy of artists (including Lisa Winter, Fr. Peter Kirchner, John Perry, Dave Virnala, Tyson Cavalier, Todd Voss, Fern Belling, Amanda Standalone and more still to be named) will be at the Center to celebrate the solstice and the season of light. We hope you can come to this free, informal concert, the last Cultural Center event of the year. And, as always there will be food shared by the community with all who attend. Doors open at 6:30 pm on the 21st of December and the music starts at 7:00 pm.
And we’ll introduce everyone to the coming “winter light” festivities to be held February 2nd (Candlemas Day and Groundhog Day, midway between the winter solstice and the vernal equinox), and enjoy the Winter Light exhibit that will fill the main gallery with beautiful interpretations of light brought to you by visiting artist Charles Matson Lume. Other festivities associated with this Winter Light show will be posted by year’s end.
Special thanks to Festival sponsors Toni Ebner, Dean’s Country Market, and Dennis Happel.