Saturday, August 3, 2024
Mystical Market 10AM-3PM

Paranormal Presentation 3PM
Overnight Adventure 9PM-9AM

Join P.A.S.T. (Paranormal Adventure Seekers Team) and a variety of mystical practitioners at the New York Mills Regional Cultural Center on Saturday, August 3rd, 2024!

From 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., enjoy mystical exploration with vendors and practitioners at our Mystical Market! Free to attend and open to all. Products and services will be available for purchase. 

Current list of Mystical Market Artists/Makers/Vendors:
  • Holding Stones – Santana Crillo: wire-wrapped jewelry
    • Santana Crillo with Holding Stones is a self-taught local artist who twists natural media to create whimsical jewelry and sculptures. He also creates spiritual tools for everyday use. Timeless and durable, his pendants are made with a spectrum of gemstones and tokens. Commissioned consultations for customized items are available and welcomed.
  • Hannah Sleen: mixed media, beading
    • Hannah Sleen is a local visual artist who focuses on mixed-media paintings and art from recycled jewelry. In addition to creating art, Han likes to listen to cool music and enjoy nature. Come check out her funky, groovy art!
  • Beneath the Willow – Jennifer Blanchard: healing jewelry and oracle readings
    • Jennifer Blanchard, who owns Beneath the Willow, is an energetic flow facilitator who reminds others that they can heal themselves. In addition to creating healing jewelry from crystals, she also does Oracle card readings, in which she gives people messages from their spiritual team, along with channeled messages she receives while connecting.
  • Chuck Fredley: rune oracle readings 
    • Chuck Fredley is a psychic, a gifted Intuitive, and a lightworker. His reading and interpretation of the Rune Oracles assists others who seek guidance as they journey on their spiritual life path. Chuck has a Masters Degree in Guidance and Counseling. For an appointment, contact Chuck at 218-849-5444.
  • Moods by the Moon: crystals 
    • Moods by the Moon will feature a variety of rocks, minerals, gems, crystals, rare finds, collectibles, and decor. “Any mood for anyone!”
  • Crystal Cavalier & Nicholas Schizzano: astrology readings, handcrafted jewelry
    • Crystal Cavalier and Nick Schizzano are Intuitive Astrologers, Sound Oracle Musicians, Astrological Jewelry Makers, Heath & Lifestyle Coaches, and New Earth Creators. Combined, they have been studying Astrology for over 17 years and music for almost 50. They benefit the collective by sharing their gifts while ushering in the New Earth. Together, Crystal & Nick are Crystal Clear Compass — your guide to clarity, offering various astrology readings, health and lifestyle coaching, and healing jewelry. 
  • Art by Emily Ann – Emily Ericksrud: beaded suncatchers, jewelry, art prints
    • Emily Ericksrud, the local artist behind Art by Emily Ann, explores and engages in a variety of art mediums. From beading to painting, her focus on intricate details brings her creations to life. Inspired by nature and nostalgia, her collection consists of beaded suncatchers, jewelry, and art prints. 
  • Midwest Paranormal Files – Paranormal Education: investigations, public education, and community involvement   
    • Midwest Paranormal Files, based in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, is dedicated to collecting and sharing knowledge of the paranormal. Visit with members of the team about some local hauntings, legends, and lore they’ve come across in their 14 years of research. Learn more:
  • P.A.S.T. (Paranormal Adventure Seekers Team): Members of the P.A.S.T. team will also be available throughout the Mystical Market to visit with the public before their presentation at 3:00 and overnight investigation on Saturday night.


We are seeking additional artists, wellness coaches, card readers, energy healers, etc. to be part of this event! If you are interested, please click below to complete the application form. There is no fee, however, donations are appreciated to help support this and future programming. Questions? Call Emily at 218-385-3339.

Click for Mystical Market application >


At 3:00 p.m., P.A.S.T. will share a presentation about their paranormal adventure-seeking work. This is free to attend. Members of P.A.S.T. will then be staying at the Cultural Center for an overnight paranormal adventure right here in New York Mills!

Sound like fun? YOU CAN JOIN THEM TOO!

Join the overnight adventure! Just 3 spots available. Details & link to online auction below. Auction ends July 31 @ 8PM.

Join P.A.S.T. (Paranormal Adventure Seekers Team) and Cultural Center Staff at the New York Mills Regional Cultural Center for an OVERNIGHT INVESTIGATION on Saturday, August 3 – Sunday August 4, 2024!

Enjoy paranormal exploration with P.A.S.T. experts and CC staff overnight for your very own real-life paranormal adventure!

Includes time investigating paranormal activity with P.A.S.T. experts from Saturday, August 3rd, 9PM until Sunday, August 4th, 9AM. Plus enjoy good company, as well as snacks & drinks to keep you satiated throughout the evening. Cots are provided, bring your own sleeping bag & pillow!

Must be 21 years of age or older to participate in overnight investigation.

Click below to bid on tickets to attend the overnight investigation with P.A.S.T. members and Cultural Center staff.

JUST 3 TICKETS AVAILABLE! Click below to bid now! Bidding ends July 31.

Bid on Paranormal Investigation Tickets! >

Learn more about P.A.S.T. (Paranormal Adventure Seekers Team) on Facebook or Instagram:

Questions? Call 218-385-3339.