You’re invited! Each Spring the Cultural Center hosts the annual Minnesota State High School League Arts Festival for Region 6A North. This year the show will be in the gallery April 10-24, 2019. The festival will be on Wednesday, April 24th from 9am-2pm. During...
Let’s Learn! Beginners Drawing Class Series 4 Wednesdays in October 2018 Local artist and Cultural Center employee Cheryl Bannes will guide you through lessons that will have you drawing like you always wanted to. This is a 4-week series with classes held...
Thursday, May 3 @5:45-8:15pm Fun for everyone with the following activities: Brats, Beans, & Beers Bash! Garden Party Bucket Drawings Plant Grab Head or Tails Split the Pot Green House Goody Grab Live Auction @ 7:00pm Celebrate the Local Silent Art Auction Live...
The Cultural Center would like to announce the prize winners for the 2016 Regional Adult Exhibition. The four Best in Category awards, given by a jury of local arts professionals, go to: Stegacrane by Tim Cassidy...