Thursday, February 28, 2019 @5:00-7:00 p.m. Instructor Heather Cassidy @ Cultural Center Fee: $20 ($15 for members) Learn to make your own beautiful braided rugs! Heather will teach you the skills to get you started, and you can finish your rug at home. Participants...
NYM Cultural Center is the “Top of the Trail!” Gallery Exhibit September 17 – October 27 2nd Annual Fiber Art Trail Weekend September 20-22, 2018 Weekend Activities Include Workshops, Quilt Documentation & Concert Ripping the Seams: Unique...
Weekly Fiber Artists’ Gathering Now on Thursdays! Two Sessions @Noon-2pm AND 5-7pm Now with two times on Thursdays, the Center’s weekly fiber arts group, Sit-n-Stitch, offers time slots for everyone! Pop in over lunch or after work, and join the members of...
Sept 21 – Nov 4, 2017 Reception Saturday, September 23, 5 – 7 p.m. The Cultural Center in New York Mills presents a new fine art exhibit of Midwestern fiber arts miscellany entitled, Unraveling the Thread. The show runs from Wednesday, September 20 to...
FREE ARTIST RESIDENCY The New York Mills Arts Retreat is currently accepting applications for July – December 2014 artist residencies. The Arts Retreat program offers self-funded 2-6 week solo residencies for selected artists in all disciplines. A small house...
Learn to spin thread and yarn Bruce Engebretson is a master spinner and weaver and he will teach techniques of spinning in two sessions on Saturdays, March 8 and 15 from 10 am to 3 pm. If you have a spinning wheel, bring it with you. If not, we’ll have an...
Learn the ancient Norwegian art form of “shinfeller” Join Karen Aakre for a unique workshop where you will make a pair of baby slippers and mittens, or adult-sized wristlets and headband, on Thursday, April 17th from 6-9pm. This workshop is given as an...
Local artists bring Sheep to Shawl show Four local fiber artists – Karen Aakre, Joan Ellison, Katy Olson, and Sharon Marquardt – are mounting a show at the Cultural Center that will be on display from Saturday March 1 through Saturday March 15 in the Center’s...
The Way of Water Pam Collins’ exhibit opens in the upstairs gallery on February 1 and continues through February 28. Join Pam for conversation during her reception Sunday, February 23rd from 2 – 4 pm. Following is Pam’s artist statement. I want to...
5 days to shop: Dec 10 – 14, 2013 The 5th Annual Artist Gift Bazaar will be held Tuesday, December 10th – Saturday December 14th, 2013. On Tuesday-Friday we will be open 10am-5pm and on Saturday from 10am-3pm. The Artist Bazaar features local and regional...
Please note: Artist Reception planned for Thursday, November 7th at 7:00 p.m. has been CANCELLED due to a family emergency. We hope to reschedule before the end of Sandy’s residency, and will be sure to post an update here. Our apologies for the inconvenience....
Presenting Visual, Performance, Fiber and Culinary Arts Events Under the Sheltered Structure in front of the 4H Dairy Bar unless noted. Thursday, July 25 12:00-4:00 p.m. Perham Farmers Market. Meet local food producers, learn their techniques, find out when they...
York Mills Regional Cultural Center Presents Visual, Performance, Fiber and Culinary Arts Events at the Wadena County Fair (Under the Sheltered Structure by the Fair Office unless otherwise noted) Thursday, June 27 12:00-4:00 p.m. Wadena Area Growers Association. ...
This community participation gallery show at the Cultural Center will be featured from November 14 until December 29. Everyone in town or outside of the city is invited to help create images of their vision of individual, family, and community identity on the walls of...
Weave a scarf and a table runner Lil McRae from At Loose Ends weaving and yarn shop in Perham will teach the basics of weaving on the rigid heddle loom on Tuesday nights from 6-8pm – October 2, 9, 16, & 23. Students will complete a scarf and a table runner during...