Volunteers are truly amazing. Volunteer labor helped make the renovation of the two-story gallery building possible with limited financial resources. And all along the 22 year history of the Center volunteers have brought the vision of the Center to life. There were many volunteers at this year’s Continental Divide Festival – it couldn’t have happened without their help. Thank you.
We will be holding a volunteer orientation session at the Center this fall. We’ll post the information here. In the mean time, if you have a skill or energy to spare and share, just stop in at the Center and tell us. We can always use help on event days or evenings. And we have a long list of tasks we should be accomplishing but haven’t had time to accomplish (for instance, developing identification tags for the sculptures in the sculpture park). Or call 218-385-3339, or email to info@kulcher.org. Please join us – make the arts prosper in rural Minnesota.