Winter Light Festival February 2
Shake off the winter blues and come to the Cultural Center for the 2nd annual Winter Light Festival on Monday, February 2, 2015. All the events are free of charge and everyone is welcome to enjoy the activities from 4 pm to 8 pm.
1. Experience Charlie Lume’s light installation titled “Death is the mother of beauty (for Wallace Stevens)”. One of the poems reprinted in this show’s installation tells a lot about Charlie’s interpretation of winter light:
Regardless of the weather,
The moon shines the same;
It is drifting clouds
that make it seem different
On different nights.
– Basho
2. Slide presentation by Charlie Lume about this and other light installations he has developed, and about his scheduled installation this coming summer in Finland. 5:30 pm.
3. Live music presented by Dave Virnala. 6:00 pm.
4. Award-winning short films from the Rural Route Film Festival at 7:00 pm.
5. Studio presentation by current artist-in-residence, photographer and illustrator Nadia Alenov from 4:00 to 8:00 pm.