Gather, Connect, Give to the MAX!
#GTMD21 is a full day dedicated to supporting MN non-profits and schools
Give to the Max is a statewide outpouring of support for thousands of nonprofits and schools across Minnesota. This year’s Giving Holiday is Thursday, November 18, 2021, but you don’t have to wait to support the causes that mean the most to you. Early Giving begins November 1, so visit and make a gift today!
Gather, Connect, Give…
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in doing the work that we don’t take the time to share the stories of impact…or ask for support. Right now, we are doing both.
First – a story courtesy of Tim, a visiting artist who spent 6 weeks in our artist residency house earlier this year. Tim is originally from the Czech Republic and has lived in the US for much of his life, including several years in New York City.
Tim is a poet. During his time in New York Mills this year, he had the chance to connect with quite a few community members, most of whom, when learning that he was the visiting artist, asked what kind of artist he was. When Tim answered that he was a poet, they acknowledged this and moved on to the next topic. Some asked what kind of poetry he wrote.
We were happy to hear that noone asked the dreaded, “but what’s your real job?” or “but what do you do for money?”
Tim shared this story with us because this was unique–no where else in the world had Tim been as readily accepted as a poet as he was in rural New York Mills, Minnesota, population 1,199. In Tim’s words, his experience shows the impact of 30 years of the Cultural Center’s artists-in-residence connecting with community.
And the impact works both ways–our community benefits, and the artists benefit. Many of our visiting artists develop relationships with community members that last years and deepen over time. Several have even moved to New York Mills…including one current staff member and one NYC artist who fell in love with a NYM resident and eventually wrote a best selling book about her experience (check the book out here)!
Our artist residency program is ONE thing that we do in our rural region. We are a multidisciplinary arts center, which means we offer a wide variety of creative experiences for all, including performing arts, live music, visual arts, gallery shows, workshops, classes, festivals, art in schools, working with individuals with disabilities and in senior care facilities, public art, and so much more.
Our mission is to be a rural hub for creativity, community vitality, and lifelong learning in the arts.
Our vision is to connect people with artists and rich cultural experiences, celebrating the local and being a window to the world.
In all of our work, we embrace our core values of inclusivity, an expansive understanding of the arts, drawing sustenance from the local, hospitality, and community.
We are committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and compassion. We unequivocally condemn intolerance, racism, and all forms of hatred. We seek to listen and learn, and to amplify the voices of the under- and mis-represented.
In all of our work, we GATHER with a goal of connecting people and artists of diverse backgrounds, we provide opportunities to CONNECT with friends, neighbors, and strangers who become friends, and we GIVE back to the communities we serve by offering programs and events to reach all people in our rural region.
This year, we ask you to GIVE as you’re able on this Give to the Max Day 2021. Today has been called “Minnesota’s Giving Holiday” and we hope that you not only considering supporting us, but also other MN organizations and schools that have touched your life in the last year. If you’re willing, share your giving story to ignite generosity in others too.
Thank you for your ongoing support of the Cultural Center, and we hope to see you soon!