Maple Sugar Camp – Sat. Apr 13
Learning to make maple syrup has had to be rescheduled yet again. We’re very sorry-but the snow is just too deep at the Sonnenberg farm’s maple grove. So, here is plan C on learning to tap maple trees and boil syrup this spring: We will meet at the farm of Ed Ranson near Sebeka (Ed has maples within a short distance of his farm drive.). Call the Cultural Center to pre-register – we need a minimum of 5 persons to enroll to make this class happen (we’ll provide you with directions to Ed’s place when you register). Call the Center to sign up (218-385-3339) no later than Wednesday, April10th at 5 pm. The cost is $10; students no charge, and the session will take place on Saturday the 13th from 10 am until noon (note reduction from two days to just one). Ed will tap three different species of maple trees, and show how to make beautiful syrup without expensive equipment.